Project Proposal

  • Final Draft at bottom

Proposal 1

Draft 1:


So far this year on the media course I have really enjoyed the majority of units and projects which we have done. Towards the start of the year and the course I really enjoyed the short film project. This was great fun for me as I want to go into the film industry as a feature film editor. I loved the post production part of this unit and getting to put all the clips together to create this final piece! This excitement I get from film making is what had lead me to choose to do a short film for my final major project and I can't wait to improve my skills along the way.

Project Concept:

I have spent the time since the start of the project looking into the three themes. I looked at all the different words I could think of relating to that main theme. I researched how that theme had been used in different movies. All this research plus more allowed for me to develop a strong idea of which of theme to pick. This theme was Travel. I plan to make a short film about travelling to a funeral. It will have a dark but also emotional undertone to it as it follows a mother on her way to a funeral, however she is seeing flashbacks the whole time which progressively lead up to the fact that it was the mother who caused the death of her daughter. The mother eventually goes on to overdose at the funeral.

When production of this film takes place I will be needing assistance in small areas. In the extended team we will see actors which I will bring in. I will be looking for three to four of these. I will also be using someone to drive the vehicles for me. In order to achieve success on this project I will be heavily relying on the locations and set in which I can get. The hearse and limousine are to major resources and will be a necessity go get. I will need resources such as costumes for the actors. Due to the current epidemic at the time of writing I do not have easy access to recording equipment which is a big (resource).


In order to have the best evaluation of my project, I have decided to do a reflection log. Every time I do any work on the project I will fill it in with the time and date and what I am doing/have done. At the end of the project I will quote some of the logs into my evaluation in to help assess my workflow.

In order to understand if the overall project was a success I will screen the finished film to a selection of people. I will get them all to rate and write a short comment on the film. I will take the average rating and present this alongside my evaluation as well as quoting some of the reviews.


Action plan:

Proposal Draft 2:


So far this year on the media course I have really enjoyed the majority of units and projects which we have done. Towards the start of the year and the course I really enjoyed the short film project. This was great fun for me as I want to go into the film industry as a feature film editor. On top of my main interest as an editor I find the idea of directing a fascinating position to be in. I feel that this project will allow me to be in that position of a director properly for the first time. This will allow me to gain expertise and knowledge into the position and consider if it is potentially a role that I would like to consider in the future. The project will also allow me to explore my editing skills even more and once again allow me to consider if editing is truly the profession I want to end up in, which I currently think I do. All these plus my overall excitement for film is what has lead me to choosing to make a short film for my final major project.

Project Concept

I have spent the time since the start of the project looking into the three themes. I looked at all the different words I could think of relating to that main theme. I researched how that theme had been used in different movies. All this research plus more allowed for me to develop a strong idea of which of theme to pick. This theme was Travel. In my initial idea, shown in the first draft of my proposal I thought very practically about the idea of travelling to a funeral. After listening to feedback on the idea I decided to rework the idea. This is because short films often do not come with a beginning, middle and end like feature films do and often just two parts. Thinking about this I decided that it would be more suited for my film to come without a definitive end in order to help me create a meaningful question that the audience will be left thinking towards the end.

The new story which I have opted for is a story still revolving around the idea that parents will be attending a funeral, however instead of the direct travel to a funeral it will concentrate on the idea of the travel the parent will take from waking up to getting in the car. It is more the mental journey they will go on and how they travel through that. You will see the parents in a vulnerable and emotional state with moments of tension, tears and regret explored. The twist (it’s the daughters funeral, and the death was caused by the parents) will be shown throughout the mise-en-scene such as a shot of what was the daughters room. Elements of dialogue will also play a heavy role in presenting this information.


In order to have the best evaluation of my project, I have decided to do a reflection log. Every time I do any work on the project I will fill it in with the time and date and what I am doing/have done. At the end of the project I will quote some of the logs into my evaluation in to help assess my workflow and allow me to see if I start to slack, or if I put in extra work.

To me success will be achieved if other people enjoy my film and get the feelings out of it I had made the film hoping they would get. In order to work out if this is the case, I will screen the short film to a selection of people and I will get them all to fill out a survey. Once this is complete I will be able to take the results and take an average. I will also read the reviews, all of this data will be compiled into a final evaluation/review type document where I will assess the success of the film.

The Action Plan:

The Schedule:


  1. Idea feedback here - and . RESEARCH - as I said, research short film structures! Watch at least 20 short films and just focus on structure and pacing! They will be different yet, but will hopefully see that they are very different to feature lengths. no more research on cars.


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